About Macecall Children’s Mission
Macecall Children’s Mission was founded in 2011 by Alfred and Margaret Muthomi to address the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya. The name of the organization is derived from the vision Apostle Paul had in Acts 16:9-10 of the man from Macedonia requesting help, just as helpless children in Kenya need rescue, care and education.

Margaret and Alfred Muthomi, founders of Macecall Children’s Mission.

Alfred proudly posing in his newly-created pens for livestock at the Mitunguu farm.
Alfred holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Nairobi and is very passionate about helping children in need of care and protection.
He believes that every child deserves a chance to pursue their dreams regardless of their background and the economic status of their parents. Alfred has an experience of more than 15 years in program management. Prior to joining children charitable programs, Alfred worked with a microfinance organization involved in community development.
Besides a passion of helping children, Alfred is an avid farmer – growing crops, rearing chicken and livestock. Alfred’s knowledge has been vital to growing food for the children and trading with the surplus to support other aspects of the program. He has hopes for greater sustainability by growing in this area through solar powered irrigation system so they can grow crops throughout the year. (See the Donate page for more information.)

Margaret is a passionate teacher who engages both children and leaders.
Margaret holds a Diploma in Leadership from Pan African Christian University and a Diploma from Leadership Training Institute of Child Evangelism Fellowship which is an International Christian ministry evangelizing children worldwide. Margaret serves as a Training Coordinator with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Kenya and as a Discipleship Coordinator with Operation Christmas Child which is a children outreach ministry under Samaritan Purse. Margaret is the Head of Sunday School department at CITAM Meru church in Kenya and has more than 25 years of experience teaching children and more than 20 years of experience in children charitable program management. Margaret is very passionate about reaching out to children with the gospel of Jesus Christ and training Sunday school teachers.
Macecall programs are designed to support the holistic development of children so that they can grow and achieve their full potential and fulfill their God-given purpose.
The program office is headquartered in Meru County but children outreach extends to Tharaka Nithi, Laikipia, Embu, Isiolo, Marsabit and Turkana counties.
The services we offer include:
- rescue from abuse and neglect
- providing basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing
- education
- psycho-social support
- spiritual nourishment
- vocational training
- empowerment.
As of December 2020, the Macecall program sponsors 69 individuals ranging from children to young adults between 4-24 years old. Since inception, 400 plus children have benefited from our services. A good number are working adults and contributing positively to the society. We are so glad and privileged to be part of their journey.
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Macecall resident children at a Christmas 2020 celebration.